Nov 29, 2020
The 72nd AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo will be held virtually on December 13-17, 2020. NACCCA and its members will have various activities and presentations. We are looking forward to another productive meeting week.
In This Issue (本期报道)
NACCCA 40th Anniversary Dinner (NACCCA 40 周年晚宴)
First AACC Chinese Symposium (首届AACC中文学术论坛)
Greetings from NACCCA President (NACCCA主席致辞)
NACCCA members’ upcoming AACC presentations and recent publications (NACCCA成员2020 AACC年会讲座及近期发表文章)
NACCCA 40th Anniversary Virtual Meeting NACCCA 40 周年线上活动
Click for Event Flyer
Date and Time: December 16, 2020, 7:00-9:00PM US Central Time 北京时间2020年12月17日上午9:00 – 11:00
Registration required (Zoom注册链接):
Event Highlights (晚会活动安排): Retrospection of NACCCA 40 years(NACCCA 40 周年回顾)
Interview with Dr. Daniel W. Chan, NACCCA President of 1985, by Dr. Victoria Zhang and Dr. Young Wang NACCCA 41st Annual Virtual Meeting